Saturday, January 24, 2009


Hello everyone,

  Well life is so busy!!!! At school we just entered our 2nd semester. And it has been an awesome school year so far filled with AMAZING speakers some including Heidi Baker, Jack Taylor, Randy Clark, Che Ahn, and Georgian Banov, and John Arnott!!  We have lots of awesome times with Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton.  It has been amazing! Kris has been speaking a lot about prophesy and identity. I love every minute of it. We just got done reading Supernatural Ways of Royalty by Kris and Bill. Awesome book. Some other books we have read that I would highly recommend are Experiencing the Fathers Embrace by Jack Frost, Purity New Moral Revolution by Kris Vallotton,  Good Morning Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn, When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson,  and Gods Generals by Roberts Liardon. 

A quote that Kris says alot that really speaks to me is the dogs of doom stand at the door to destiny. This quote has been being stired in me so much lately. I am on a quest this semester to find, fell, and experience Gods love for me. I want to arrive at our wedding seremony. And marry my King and lover. I am on quest for intimacy with Him. I have my missions trip coming up in March I will be going to Tecate Mexico if nothing changes. I am super excited! If anyone would like to help support me with this, email me at Thanks so much.  God is moving so much and I am loving being just submerged in his presence daily. It is like nothing I have ever experienced.

 I am also meeting some of the most amazing people. They are sure to be life long friendships!!! God is amazing to bring so many amazing and anointed people together for the year. I am also getting to go to Jesus Culture for the first time!! I am stoked. I will try to update more often!!! Love you all


Jim and Jenn Blackman said...

I check often thinking about you and wondering how school is going. It's wonderful that you are there and I'm so excited to see what God will do in your life. Thanks for the book recomendations I will be ordering some :) love and miss ya,

Anonymous said...

Have you seen Ben's blog?

Have you seen Rod Page's blog?
